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Why I Started

Debt Coaching

Between 2010 and 2019 I practiced law exclusively as a consumer lawyer, assisting Canadians across the country eliminate their debt.  Often this would involve helping my clients settle one or more unpaid accounts with their creditors.  I had a reputation for obtaining very positive results for my clients.  This often meant that my clients saved thousands of dollars eliminating their consumer debt.

I retired from the practice of law in October of 2019.  Following my retirement, I continued to receive emails and phone calls from consumers seeking my assistance dealing with creditors, collection agencies, debt buyers, and collection lawyers.  This demand for my advice is the inspiration for Debt Coach Silverthorn.  The services offered by Debt Coach Silverthorn do not include legal representation nor providing legal advice.

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My Story

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I am the former collection agency lawyer who came in from the cold.  Between 2000 and 2006 I was sending out more lawyer's collection letters than any lawyer in Canada!  If you don't believe me ask any Licensed Insolvency Trustee (LIT) in Canada working during that period.


In 2006 I asked my thirteen year-old daughter what I did for a living.  She said "You send people letters telling them to pay their bills or you are going to put them in a garbage can."  Figuratively, she floored me with this comment.  What a meaningless life I was leading.  What a legacy!


Within a short period, I stopped doing work on behalf of collection agencies and my law practice changed its focus to working exclusively on behalf of Canadians struggling with debt.


In 2010 I wrote a book titled The Wolf At The Door: What To Do When Collection Agencies Come Calling, published by McClelland & Stewart.


I have an insider's knowledge of not only the collection industry but also the debt relief industry.  In the context of debt relief, where others can only see the trees, I see the entire forest.

You would be hard-pressed to find anyone in Canada who can better advise you with respect to obtaining the best result addressing your unique debt situation. 

Have a Question?

Let a former collection agency lawyer help you sort out your debt problems!

Direct Line: (519) 987-3270

Mailing Address: 196 Forest Hill Drive, Kitchener, ON  N2M 4G3

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A debt buyer got a judgment against me for $18,000 and put a lien on my house. With Mark's help i was able to settle this debt for a one-time payment of $6,000. 


I was dealing with a recent separation and Mark was able to help me resolve a debt and save thousands of dollars in the process. Mark understands how creditors and their collection agents deal with unpaid accounts and he can help people get the best possible result.


I didn't know how to deal with my judgment until i met Mark. I was really stressed out, but we were able to resolve it all in just under a month.

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